Saturday, December 23, 2006


JESUS is the gift that perfectly fits the size of every heart. May all that He is bring you all that you need at Christmas and throughout the new year! Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 18, 2006

Fear of falling?

This entry is primarily to prove to our friends to whom Rick has confessed his fear of heights (he says it's actually a fear of falling, but I maintain that you have to be high to fall) that he has not only faced his fear, but has beaten it into submission. (Okay, he was actually still scared, but he got up there anyway) I'm SO proud of him. The little neighbour girl came out to tell him to be careful up cute. He did it last friday while I was at work, and when I came home I saw the lights from way down the hill - I actually cheered out loud while I was driving. It's not unusual for me to yell while driving; but it's not usually happy yelling :) Posted by Picasa

Weekend away.

The beginning of Dec, Rick & I went to Vancouver for the weekend...did some shopping and LOTS of relaxing. This pic was taken just before a HUGE filling came out of one of my teeth. Ya, that was fun. The rest of the memories are much more pleasant!!
This was the view from our suite. It was the weekend after the big snow; lucky for us. The weather was actually great and we walked LOTS. One of the highlights, for me anyway, was having pizza at Me & Ed's...not once but twice. I LOVE their pizza!! We also walked through the festival of trees @ the Four Seasons. Saw some really beautifully decorated ( and some not) Christmas trees. My favorite was all white & crystally. What does that say about me? Posted by Picasa