Sunday, November 21, 2010


I wasn't planning to post about today's events, but when Sabrina put on Christa's elf slippers, the camera had to come out!
Today was our second successive sunday of Christmas baking, which has become an annual reason for getting the gang together to have some fun while doing ALOT of work! I should clarify that although Behn seems to be loafing, he had already done a great deal of cookie decorating,following an early morning opening shift at St*rbucks. The fact that he brings friends along to help is BONUS!
I should mention that there were people other than those pictured also helping; it's just that these were the ones that were still hanging in there when the camera came out.

Yesterday was spent decorating the house - happily that is now pretty much completed!
Whew, I have to go back to work tomorrow to have a rest. :)

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

it's beginning

to look alot like Christmas!