Friday, October 31, 2008

trick or treat

We had alot of visitors tonight, but these five were our favorites...
...can you see why?
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Thursday, October 30, 2008


What a faithful God have I
What a faithful God!
What a faithful God have I
You are faithful in every way!
Counting my many blessings this morning...

and thanking God for each one!!!
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

Comforted to comfort

"There is a comfort, born in other's prayers, that always lifts the spirit, strengthens the will, and sets the heart on fire for God."

This is what I read this morning, and it is so timely & appropriate to my life today. Yesterday was Rick's 18 month checkup at the Cancer Clinic. 6 months ago, at his last checkup, the news was not what we had expected and consequently yesterday's appointment had been looming in our apprehensive minds. We knew people were praying & that, with God's help, we would handle whatever the news was, but I have to admit that I was not very spiritual in my worry.

I'm so relieved & grateful to be able to report that yesterdays appointment revealed the news that PSA level is down (that's good) & where it should be at this point in his treatment. There was much rejoicing - and tears, definitely alot of tears on my part.

This journey of cancer is not one we would have chosen, but perhaps because of it we will be able to have a better ministry of encouragement to others needing comfort. My heart has been softened. It's always been soft, so it must be bordering on mushy. :)

"It's hard to think beyond our own needs when trouble hits home, but the comfort we receive from God will be just the comfort others are waiting for."

I want you, our friends & family, to know that I have been reminded of my need to uphold you in prayer, particularly those of you who have special concerns or deep burdens. I pray God comforts you in a very tangible way.

Autumn has always been my least favorite season. I'm starting to kind of like it. It's like the wind is blowing fresh life. Go figure!
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