Friday, November 13, 2009

show & tell

Just want to show you what I've been doing on my week off...

... and I'm a very happy woman!

Today I got some Christmas shopping done - mostly for the kidlets, cause that's the easiest & most fun!

Sunday afternoon we will have our first of several cookie baking & decorating events- we will start with sugar cookies, because they are the most labor intensive (and we'll have lots of help).

So, there you have it Bev, no snow, just fun. :-)
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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Noah's dog

For his fifth birthday, Noah requested that Grandpa & Grandma take him to Build-a-Bear. He had his heart set on a stuffed dinosaur dressed as a policeman. Last Saturday (Halloween) was THE DAY - everyone was healthy & the sun was shining! We had a lovely drive to Coquitlam Centre. We wasted no time finding the workshop; told the hostess that it was Noah's birthday present we were there for, so she loaded him up with birthday stickers; we listened as she explained the whole procedure & showed us where to make our choices; then we let her know that he had already decided that he wanted to make a dinosaur. Her face fell as she told us they haven't had dinosaurs in about two years - don't you think they could update their website occasionally? But all was well, Noah happily changed his mind & decided he wanted a dog instead. Whew!!!
It's serious work stuffing a dog - getting the amount just right...
...Grandma gets to kiss the heart before Noah inserts it...
...and while giving his dog it's airbrushing, Noah gets a sudden inspiration for his new puppy's name. "It's name is Ruffles" he said.
Aww, we have a Ruffles in the family again. sniff sniff
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There were lots of outfits to choose from, but it was a bit of a no-brainer for Noah...
...Ruffles is officially a member of the Vancouver Canucks, complete with helmet!
After all that building, we had to have a hearty, if not healthy, lunch. The Orange Julius had a banana in it - it's all good!
On the ride home we chewed our way through my gum supply, looking for one that wasn't too spicy - finally settled on apple trident.
We had a fun time with a very happy little five year old. I think we've set a precedent which will be fun to repeat four (at least) more times!
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