Friday, November 13, 2009

show & tell

Just want to show you what I've been doing on my week off...

... and I'm a very happy woman!

Today I got some Christmas shopping done - mostly for the kidlets, cause that's the easiest & most fun!

Sunday afternoon we will have our first of several cookie baking & decorating events- we will start with sugar cookies, because they are the most labor intensive (and we'll have lots of help).

So, there you have it Bev, no snow, just fun. :-)
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Anonymous said...

looks good my dear! :-)


Anonymous said...

you have been a very busy little elf, haven't you? nicely done! i'm not there yet, but working on it. R

Shelley said...

Hey looks like you're back on track, would love to see it in person but maybe next year. I'm done my shopping but nothing else. But that's the most stressful in my opinion so now I can look forward to the fun stuff. Take care and have a fun filled Christmas.

Shelley from Sask. Go riders!!!!!

Anneliese said...

You've been busy! I baked sugar cookies tonite.