Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

It seems like we've been digging out from under the snow for weeks now - oh, wait, we have been!! It's so beautiful to wake up to a fresh white blanket this morning. It wasn't a surprise though, we watched it coming down last night as we "saw in" 2009 with our precious kids (the kidlets were fast asleep by then)
We were reminded of the snowstorm of 1996 when Dobby was trying to get here for Christmas from Saskatchewan to meet our family - that turned out to be quite an adventure & test of patience (with a very happy ending)
Here is one of the results of that adventure - working hard to clear the driveway this morning...
...and here are the other two - supervising the operation. You gotta have quality control, right?

We wish you all a very blessed & hope-filled new year! We have a God who knows what's ahead & He loves us more than we could possibly imagine. His grace is enough!!
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