For Christmas, Cindi & Dobby made us this awesome wooden family "special dates" reminder. All the family birthdates & anniversary dates are under the appropriate month, and more can be added as they happen. Could it be that they are thinking ahead to when we need help remembering these things? :) We love it - such a personal & thoughtful gift.
A few shots of our beautiful grandkids - they are all so unique & precious to us!

Part of our Christmas gift to our family this year was a weekend together at Great Wolf Lodge. These pics were taken today in the lobby before we headed home, but the majority of the fun was had in the gigantic waterpark there. Unfortunately, our camera didn't make it into that area, but we had so much fun & laughter (and yes, some screaming while tubing through those tunnels, drops & rapids). Oh, the wave pool was pretty awesome too!

We love our family dearly & are blessed to be able to have these opportunities together. The grandkids are growing up & we love making memories!!