Monday, November 27, 2006

Snow Day Part Two

Santa showed up early at our house, guess all the snow confused him a little.
part of our back yard...
some of the hills Rick made in the last two days...
...nothing escaped the shovel today!!! Posted by Picasa

Last Night...

Olivia wanted to go out in the snow after dark last night, so we thought a safe place would be on the deck. She had a challenge just walking across through the thigh-deep snow, but she was definitely up for it. Posted by Picasa
Just layin' around with Mom... beautiful little snow-baby - she LOVES it out there!
Rick liked how the snow was hanging over the edge of the roof. It was lucky to be there, cause that was about the ONLY safe place from his snow shovel today! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006


We woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning, and it's still coming down this afternoon. They say (who are they anyway) we're in for lots more today & tonight. The kids were VERY excited about all the white stuff, and spent quite a bit of time outside. Grandpa had lots of help shovelling the drive & sidewalk. Then we all went for a walk to Greg & Becky & Noah's house to borrow some potatoes for the borscht I started this morning. I also made LOTS of butter tarts, so we're looking forward to some good eating. Actually, we've already started :) Posted by Picasa
Cindi was videoing & I was taking pictures - we agreed that we were not prepared to actually BE in a picture, since we in our pj's/robe with some sweet footwear and coats on, however, I thought you would enjoy seeing the results of Cindi's pedicure that she had yesterday - nice!!
" I LIKE being in the snow Mommy!"
" Don't worry, Grandpa, I'll uncover the trees so they won't break!"
We even have snow INSIDE - a whole hill of it - and two snowmen. The one on the toboggan is heading for trouble, I think. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 12, 2006

So many grandchildren!

Yesterday we had the pleasure of all our grandchildrens' company, while their parents went out for a night with cousins - hah, cousin night all around! Anyway, it was a pretty big deal because this was the first time that Malcolm got to stay (and he made the most of it) Good times! Posted by Picasa
We enjoyed a nutritious supper of blueberry pancakes with orange jello for dessert (except for Malcolm, who evidently is loving his yams & applesauce) Posted by Picasa

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!

Yah, I have two trees up & decorated - I LOVE Christmas (ya think?)
Does this one look like it's leaning a little? Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Last weekend we celebrated the 40th birthday of one of our younger friends (of course, she's now officially OLD) We were asked to dress "1966" so this was our attempt. There were some pretty sweet costumes there, but our friends are very shy so we can't actually show you :) Happy birthday Z - we love you! Posted by Picasa