We woke up to about 6 inches of snow this morning, and it's still coming down this afternoon. They say (who are they anyway) we're in for lots more today & tonight. The kids were VERY excited about all the white stuff, and spent quite a bit of time outside. Grandpa had lots of help shovelling the drive & sidewalk. Then we all went for a walk to Greg & Becky & Noah's house to borrow some potatoes for the borscht I started this morning. I also made LOTS of butter tarts, so we're looking forward to some good eating. Actually, we've already started :)
We havent had a hint of snow. It was 12 degrees this wknd. Maybe this global warming stuff has turned the country around.
looks like fun! our drive is not cleared - not much point 'cause the wind will just blow more drifts on! - feels (and sounds)like we are living in a wind tunnel out here!!
hey viv! Welcome to winter in east abb.! Hard to sleep at night with all the noise right? what's really scary is sitting on the can and you actually feel it move in a gust of wind - wind from outside i mean....
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