Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter Parade

Every year at this time, my place of work - Tabor Home - has a kid's "fashion show" for the residents. They LOVE seeing little kids anytime, so this is a highlight for alot of them. This year I convinced my girls that their kids could put off their naps for a couple of hours so I would have a chance to show them all off. Well, of course, they were the most beautiful children there. Olivia & Sabrina modelled their matching Easter dresses & all three boys...
fueled the Canuck fever that is sweeping the country!! That's right Ontario folks, I said the country!!!
Olivia did a quick change (as all models are used to doing) & was resplendent in her flowergirl dress from her cousins' wedding last summer. She DOES look like a princess in that dress!
They all had a great time, especially Isaiah who slept through the entire event, & got to take home treats of their choice as well as balloon animals. Thanks for being great sports, kids. You make Grandma proud!
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Gord and Bev said...

I didn't even realize that the Canucks were still in the NHL,but since the Leafs can't seem to find their way into the playoffs I guess I'll cheer for the Canucks too.(I'm not really feeling feverish though).


Gord and Bev said...

One more thought, how is your Basketball team doing over there?(just wondering)