Monday, May 21, 2007


Some of the many faces of our son Greg. This is a man who does everything in life to the best of his ability, whether it's family time, work, or sports. He is a husband, father, son, brother, businessman, coach, neighbor, friend, and really funny guy. He's other things too, like silly, contemplative, sarcastic, tender & full of surprises (when he's not predictable). He has been a joy in our lives for 32 years. He is also Rick's boss (but only at work) :) Greg was our first shot at parenting & I'm happy to say that I think we got it pretty right. Or are we just lucky? Either way, by God's grace, we are SO proud of the man Greg is today. We love you! Happy birthday!!
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Guess where we went today?

I'm off work this week! I have five weeks vacation that I like to space out through the year & wow, did I ever luck out with the weather this week. I've gotten a fair bit of work done around home, so today, we play! We had decided earlier in the week that Birchwood Dairies would be a destination one day this week & today seemed as good as any.
In the barn. Is it just me, or do the kids look a little apprehensive? Noah's on the lookout for anything trying to sneak up on him...
...& it might have paid off, because just before this picture was taken, this little calf licked Sabrina's arm while she wasn't looking. Does she looked impressed? Olivia's trying to make her feel more comfortable, but it looks like the shock's still there.
Malcolm was intimidated by all the big animals & didn't want to leave his mommy's arms. Of course, he rarely wants to be far away from her anytime!
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Everybody had some yummy ice cream, except Isaiah. He had to settle for milk. Oh well, sort of the same food group.
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It was a beautiful day & the kids had lots of fun in the playground area. Malcolm was intrigued by the little goat.
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The kids all got a chance to test drive the tractors...

...a little group shot in a great old buggy; & then home for...
a McDonalds picnic in the front yard. (The french fries kept most of them awake on the drive back to Mission)
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Whistler Weekend Getaway

Me & some of my co-workers spent this past weekend in Whistler. It's so great to spend time together away from the work environment. We had semi-decent weather & LOTS of great food & beverages; walked; played games; watched DVD's; visited; hot-tubbed & steamed; laughed; sang (tv theme songs being the favorite choice); slept ( a little). It was a pretty diverse group, but we had a really good time!

My sister/co-worker...those were YUMMY strawberries!!!! The eyes don't lie :)
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Because of Rick's brachytherapy, he's not allowed to have the grandkids sit on his lap for two months, but, as you can see, he's found ways to improvise. Here he's feeding Malcolm his dessert. The grandkids are quite adaptable & the good news is that the two months are now down to three weeks!!
Family entertainment. Everyone looks a little worried (especially the horse)
Isaiah's too little to ride horses, but he loves to watch. He is such a smiler......
Our beautiful baby grandson continues to thrive & is such a delight.
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