Monday, May 21, 2007


Some of the many faces of our son Greg. This is a man who does everything in life to the best of his ability, whether it's family time, work, or sports. He is a husband, father, son, brother, businessman, coach, neighbor, friend, and really funny guy. He's other things too, like silly, contemplative, sarcastic, tender & full of surprises (when he's not predictable). He has been a joy in our lives for 32 years. He is also Rick's boss (but only at work) :) Greg was our first shot at parenting & I'm happy to say that I think we got it pretty right. Or are we just lucky? Either way, by God's grace, we are SO proud of the man Greg is today. We love you! Happy birthday!!
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1 comment:

Vickie said...

32??!! My how time really does fly! I can still see Greg and Rick playing soccer in the back yard. It amazed me how long Greg would stay with it. Congrats to the birthday boy from the Lees.