Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The first four days of our vacation, we were joined by our wonderful children & grandchildren. It was, at times, close fellowship and at all times - great fun!
Practicing for 2010; they still need some work on form, but enthusiasm is high...
...always good to relax in the hot tub after a day on the slopes (or just in the village)
This lucky grandma got lots of quality cuddle time - what else are you gonna do when you've got 11 people in a 2 bedroom condo?
Good Times!!!
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Anonymous said...

you are a sneaky one, 11 people in a 2 bdrm condo, of course you're gonna get lots of cuddling! You were really thinking. Good planning grandma. :-) Looks and sounds like it was wonderful and relaxing.

Anonymous said...

looks like a very beautiful place. Where did you stay?

Lovella ♥ said...

Vange I'm so thrilled that the checkup went well. Are not those celebrations just the best?
You make grandma hood look like the best time.