Sunday, March 23, 2008

from the west, with love

We just got back from a week away (more on that when I have more time) but I was given an assignment for today. Bev, our sis in law who lives in Toronto, asked each member of our family to blog pictures of their yards on Easter Sunday so we could compare or commiserate, if necessary. So Bev, these are for you! The daffodils were actually taken about a week ago ;)
The hyacinth I just took now - yay, it has started to open...
...cheating a little here, cause they're in a pot, but hey - they're in the yard & growing like crazy!
And what yard would be complete without some hardy heather?

So there you have it, Bev. We actually saw some blossoming trees on the way home today, but not on our yard. Wishing everyone reading a very blessed Easter.

He is risen!!!
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful! We look forward to being there in a few days. Shirley

Gord and Bev said...

Nice flowers. We wont see those for a while yet. Check our blog for great pictures of snow and dirt