Monday, July 07, 2008


Olivia turned six today. I was honored to be at her birth & it feels like such a short time ago - time really does fly! This little girl is the smartest, most sensitive & beautiful six year old I know. I might be a little biased, but I'm sure there are alot who would agree with me.

One of the things she had on her birthday list (which she printed herself) was a bird house that she could decorate. Of course, Grandpa was most happy to oblige because he loves her (and he loves wood projects). The roof is not actually pink - apparently there is a problem with our camera because all our pictures lately are decidedly pinkish.

Here's Liv with her new (not pink) bike...
...and a repeat from the previous post, cause I like it.
Happy birthday, Olivia. We love you SO much & are proud of what a wonderful girl you are.
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terry/laura said...

She really is beautiful, kind, smart and a great Big Sister. I also remember that day 6 years ago...and all the 7s. (not at the birth but visiting at the hospital later)

Lovella ♥ said...

Vange. . . if you look on your profile. . you'll see you have an amp there too? How crazy?
I'm so sorry you are vaccumming up down. We have it in our backyard too and it can stay there.

A six year old already? oh wow, time does fly.