Friday, July 15, 2011

Just checking

I'm doubtful that anyone has the patience to continue to check this blog, due to lack of bloggage, but if you do, this is your reward. Our littlest kidlet is growing (not fast, but growing never the less) and is getting cuter by the day, just like the rest of them.

Now, if only summer would get here!!! I mean, it's great not to have to water the yard, but really?!? Where, oh where is the sun?
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Anonymous said...

I thought I would check just in case & I love the reward. She really is a cutie. Thanks for the pic. Laura

Anonymous said...

awww - 2 cuties! e & r

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting to see some updated pictures! She is adorable! Christine

Ruby said...

Since we have not yet seen her in person, this gives us a good idea of how cute she is.

Anneliese said...

I'm with you.. on all of it.. holding cute kids and waiting for the sun!

GSFALK said...

SO cute!