Thursday, March 16, 2006

this is what we saw from our front window this afternoon, kind of a nice ending to what had been a rather gloomy day
it was chilly so the girls just grabbed what was close to try to stay warm as they looked at the rainbow Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hey, the photo of the two of you at the top of your blog page...I took that in Italy!!! Now that was a good hair day baby! I remember that day. I was at the 'other' end of the table. :-(

Anonymous said...

Hey, the photo of the two of you at the top of your blog page...I took that in Italy!!! Now that was a good hair day baby! I remember that day. I was at the 'other'end of the table.:-(

vange/rick said...

that's why I chose the's all about the hair, baby! I forgot that you took that pic; must be why we're smiling so nicely ! :)

steven said...

Where was i sitting? if i was at Z's end - WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY END OF THE TABLE? if i was at rick and vanges end - glad i was with you guys and not cranky zena, hahaha!

How are you guys doing?!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Be nice! I was all alone at the 'other' end. I don't know if I can say WHO was sitting across from me and why I was CRANKY!!!! Don't you remember? Thanks for caring :-( And thanks for saving me a spot. You guys were so exclusive!

vange/rick said...

good thing we set up a blog so steve and Zena could chat :) -V

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.