Today we had an adventure: purpose - give Dad a haircut. It was Monday, and since Becky works Monday, Cindi was caring for Noah. So, Noah, Sabrina, Olivia and Cindi went with me to have a visit & lunch with Opa & Oma Boschman. Check out the wall to wall carseats! Good thing there's another bench seat for the future babies (two on the way!)

Mission accomplished! Hair cut and looking great! Dad's not been feeling that good lately, but I think we managed to brighten his day (especially the little ones)

Time for lunch - Anne's homemade chicken noodle soup mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good! That lady sure can make soup!!!!!!!!! Auntie Viv was there too - Yeah!

Naptime, but before we leave, a quick pic of the ladies. Can you believe Cindi is officially overdue? She hides those babies well, and this is actually big (for her) Come on Kiwi - we hope you make your appearance on April 2nd so you can share Mommy's & Grandma's b-day!!
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