Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday afternoon we walked the breakwater...quite possibly the scariest thing I've done in a while. I'm not sure why I was so afraid, possibly my fear of drowning combined with a fear of heights. Regardless, Nicole & Carol held my hands & off we went - no turning back. On the return trip, I pushed Malcolm in the stroller, & I must say, we made it in record time. :)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so I'm thinkin...wanna go on a cruise? ;-) you and water, it's a funny thing.
thanks for updating, I was getting tired(or hungry) of looking at the rollkuchen.
We went camping that weekend too and had a fun time.
Will call for a swim day when the weather gets better. (We're off camping again this weekend for several days though)
miss ya!