Sunday, June 29, 2008

fun at the waterpark

Okay, maybe it was just our backyard, but the kids had loads of fun this afternoon. Slippin' & slidin', climber set up so the slide ends in the pool, throwing water balloons, chasing Grandpa with the water blaster - it doesn't take much water to make for a good time!

We were actually looking for shade this afternoon; this was all after my girls & me (with some help from the young uns) made 19 batches of freezer strawberry jam. I should have taken a picture of all those jars; it was pretty impressive.

The last picture in the collage is Isaiah showing Auntie Cindi his new thumb. It's looking really good & healing well. Thanks for praying!

So awhile back I complained about the lack of consecutive sunny days & the slowness of summer to arrive. I'm not complaining anymore. :-)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a colorful bunch...and busy, busy, busy!
e & r