Thursday, June 19, 2008

Summer starts tomorrow?

Seriously, am I the only one who thinks we're long overdue for some consistent sunshine? It's June 19th and I'm wearing a hoodie. IN THE HOUSE! Aaargh...
Ah well, life goes on. We are enjoying the odd pleasant evening huddled around our chiminea (munching on ooey, gooey smores) Nothing says "sticky" like a grandchild covered in warm, chocolatey marshmellow.

The following picture illustrates the speed with which summer is approaching :-(
I spent some time this morning trying to find an inexpensive vacation destination for our first-in-a-long-time summer week off together in August. No luck so far. Anyone have any ideas (that don't involve a plane trip or two days of driving)? If we end up staying home, I won't complain (much). They say a change is as good as a rest. And I am not high maintenance.
I'm NOT! ;)
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terry/laura said...

Hey maybe Harrison or Cultus Lake & then we could visit if you have time...or want to see relatives on your holiday.

Anneliese said...

Hi Vange! Hope you don't mind me checking out your cute pics and happenings. It was a nice surprise to see your comment and know that you understand where I'm coming from. And I will post that recipe you asked for sometime soon. Havent' made it in a long time.

vange/rick said...

I'm delighted to have you stop by, Anneliese! I want you to know that I think often of you being so distant (physically) from your kids & grandkids & it tugs at my heart.

Vickie said...

I've heard that Deroche is nice this time of year! :)

Kathy said...

Summer is so overdue I'm getting crabby. Seriously. But the last two days are nice and I must not waste them being crabby.

Do you camp? We keep going to
Washington to Thousand Trails. Our happy rut.

Trish said...

Hey...I just hopped over from the Mennonite Girls Can Cook Blog...thanks for the cookie recipe through Lovella by the way. Anyway...why don't you try Tofino or Ucluelet. Gosh...I am going to get right back here with the url for my discourse.

Trish said...