Saturday, March 17, 2007

Home At Last!

On Wednesday, Greg & Becky brought Isaiah home - what joy! We had a celebration at their house (don't worry, we brought the food) & everyone got a chance to share the love.
Isaiah got his very first bath ever from his Daddy - lots of stickiness from all the tape in the hospital. It was sort of a love-hate bath; sometimes he complained, then it was like "oh, this is kinda nice"
Kinda glad to be back in my cozy warm sleeper again
Oooh are so good-lookin'. A mutual admiration society - feel the love!!
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Anonymous said...

Isaiah looks so bright-eyed for being so "new"! He's a cutie

Lovella ♥ said...

Oh I'm so happy to see an update. I've checked numerous times to see that all is well. Isaiah is a good looking lad for sure. I love the picture of him and his grandpa. Of course there will be mutual admiration, with such good looks in the family genes, eh?
Happy St. Patricks day to you, quick run and get a Tim Horton's cup, you just never know. (smile)

Anonymous said...

You look pretty proud grandpa!! I hope you're doing well also. I haven't had much contact with Dobby lately, now I know why. My prayers are with you all as you go through lifes obstacles.When your kids grow up the problems don't go away they just multiply, right!!
Take Care,