Saturday, March 24, 2007

what kind of flower are you?

We got this fun little quiz from a friend's blog (thanks Lovella) and discovered this morning that Rick is a snapdragon ( mischief is your middle name but friend is your first; likes to play pranks) & I am a petunia (trusted friend; a little nervous about doing things out of the norm). Pretty accurate on both counts! What kind of flower are you - please find out & let us know...
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the reids said...

Dobby's a Snapdragon, too....what, mischief & Dobby? - I don't know if that's accurate....anyways, I'm a Sunflower - something about being cheerful and looking for the sun every day. Sure haven't seen it around here lately.

the reids said...

that sounded pretty cheerful, hey?

Anonymous said...

ok - I am a Canna - stand up for what I believe - blahdy blah - proud of accomplishments - yadda yadda - Ron is also a snapdragon - looks like its the flower of choice for men!!

Vickie said...

Hi Guys, I am a Cannna as well. Hope all is well with you all!

Gord and Bev said...

Okay, so far I'm the only female snapdragon. Is it because I like bouquets instead of expensive gifts?

Gord and Bev said...

Okay this is Gord now. Apparently I am a Daffodil which just happens to be Bev's favorite flower(awww). I have a sunny disposition and don't need a lot of attention at a party.

Lovella ♥ said...

What a funny test. I was tempted to redo it several times, just to see if I could be a different flower.