Monday, March 26, 2007

"Praying for us"

Tomorrow morning we go to Vancouver Cancer Clinic for Rick's brachytherapy procedure. Seems like we've been waiting for this day for so long, and now that it's's kinda scary!! For anyone who isn't aware, Rick has prostate cancer & this is the treatment we have chosen. It will be much less invasive than surgery (although he will be under general anesthetic for the implant) & it consists of implanting about 100 radio-active seeds into the prostate. These seeds will attack the cancer cells - similar to radiation therapy, but it's one procedure & you're done, rather than going in daily for weeks on end. We anticipate it will go well & I will be able to bring him home tomorrow. Length of recovery time is uncertain, he will definitely take the rest of this week off & then play it by ear.

Our family & friends have been faithfully praying for us through this past year of waiting. We are so blessed by their love. Today as I was making supper, there was a knock on the door - a florist delivered this beautiful bouquet of flowers from Rick's brother & sister-in-law Ger & Shirley, who live in Saskatoon. It says simply "Praying for you". Our hearts are touched - okay, i might have gotten a little misty, too. Thank you!!!

If you think of us tomorrow, (or tonight for that matter) would you pray for peace of mind, a successful procedure & quick, complete healing? We are so grateful for any prayers on our behalf!
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Kathy said...

Praying all will go very well.

Peace to your hearts,

Vickie said...

R & V, we will be praying for you as well...that all goes well today, for a quick recovery, for God's peace.
Love PAt & Vickie

Lovella ♥ said...

Our prayers are with you both.

May you sense the peace that only our Heavenly Father can give.

You are probably thinking what would we do without our family, isn't it a blessing to have that kind of support?

blessings . .

Gord and Bev said...

We are also thinking of you both and praying all will go well. Let us know how it goes.
Bev & Gord